Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fashion Plate

Since it's been cool in the mornings, but then 80-to-90 degrees by the afternoon, we have been wearing alot of Babylegs around here.  (And by "we" I really mean "her" since they don't make adult-sized babylegs.)

So here's a sampling of our layered outfits.

That's a denim jumper and pink t-shirt paired with the plie BL.

Black ribbed turleneck, plaid skirt, and red BL.

And this outfit never got into a photo in its entiretey.  I have a photo of the dress, sweater, and pirouette BL playing with the neighbor's new puppy.

A better shot of the dress and BL but no sweater

Or a shot of the dress and hat but no BL.  Or sweater.

So that's my little fashion plate and her layered looks from last week.  Guess I need to figure out what we're wearing this week.  (And by "we" I still mean "her"!)


Anonymous said...

Seriously, could she be any cuter?! And I'm pretty sure she has a much cooler wardrobe than I do :)

Serifm8 said...

You know this already, but she is BEAUTIFUL. Truly a breathtaking little girl...and so stylish!

Laraf123 said...

She's gorgeous in all her outfits. You have just reminded me, I have to set out 15 outfits for this week (5 x 3 of us!) Gosh, if I had had a girl, I'd be broke!

Betsy said...

She look ssooooo grownup in those outfits; I love them!