Tuesday, January 10, 2012

For Rachel

I have had a very long day (second day of classes).  But you know who is about to have an even longer day?

Rachel Maddow.

She lives for this stuff.  The New Hampshire primary.

In honor of, I have made one of my favorite cocktails, renamed.

The original source of this recipe is the Montgomery Inn restaurant in northern Kentucky.  When I lived in that area, during a visit by my parents, we went for dinner.  I ordered this drink and simply adored it - and I am not really a martini person.  They called it the Mandarin Martini, and I asked how it was made.

I continued to make it long after, and I make different variations as well.  This is an awesome drink to keep you cool on a warm summer night.  It is definitely one of my fave cocktails.  So in honor of my favorite pundit, I bring you ...

The Maddow Martini

Equal parts orange vodka and triple sec (can substitute peach schnapps if you don't have triple sec)
Add a splash of pineapple juice, then enough cranberry juice to turn it a little orange
Shake over ice, strain into a martini glass.
