
This is my favorite post on this whole blog.  Pretty much sums up the whole thing, too.  This blog is about her and me.

About me:

I am a single mother - "By Choice", if you count the accidentally-on-purpose route as Choice.

I am a working mother.

I am was an extended breastfeeding mother.

I am a cloth diapering mother.

I am a college science professor.

I am a new homeowner.

I have issues setting boundaries.

I miss my dog and my cat.

I'd love to chat with you about any of the above. Please leave a comment to let me know you were here.

If you'd like to email me, send it to mommiev1 at gmail dot com.


About my pregnancy with my Wee One:

I found out I was pregnant on August 20, 2008.

I found out I was having a girl on January 3, 2009.

I went into the hospital on bedrest with pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) on March, 17, 2009. I was then diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, and I remained in the hospital on very strict bedrest (they wouldn't even let me go to the cafeteria in a wheelchair) until I reached 37 weeks, on which day I delivered by C-section. That was April 3, 2009, the day I became a Mother.

Birth Story here