Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Items on my to-do list for today that have been accomplished:
Write lecture quiz for 9:10 class
Set up lab exam for 10:35 class
Clean up lab exam
Go to wally world to take some stuff back, look for swim floaties, buy snacks and stuff to shave my legs, etc.
Daycare Valentine's party at 3pm
Dinner with the 'rents
Find out if my Roadside Assistance is still valid (it's not, adding another item below)
Get overnight bag from mom
Drink a beer

Items on my to-do list for today that are not yet accomplished:
Clean out car (trunk is done.  The rest is ... not.)
Do discussion board posting for finance class
Figure out what the hell I'm doing for Roadside Assistance now
Finish laundry

Items on my to-do list for tomorrow:
Grade lab exams from level II class, post grades to Blackboard
Write a quiz for 9:10 class
Write a quiz for 9:10 class for T after vacation
Set up lab exam for 10:35 class
Clean up lab exam
Print map to resort
Get oil changed in car
Finish packing
Do diaper laundry
Pack car
Get kid to sleep at a reasonable time
Finish writing argument paper for principles class and post to discussion board
Sleep for 6 hours before driving for 12

I'm going to need a vacation after getting ready for vacation.

My dad, over dinner, once AGAIN asked me unreasonable questions about "this person" I am meeting and whether I've verified her address in the phone book to make sure she exists.  Also, what am I going to do if my car doesn't make it.  (I didn't tell him about the Roadside Assistance thing.  No need to add fuel to the fire.)

Off to post to the discussion board, start a load of laundry, and clean more crap out of my car.  Are we having fun yet?

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