Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dear HopefulSingleMommaToBe

Dear Hopeful:

Your blog hates me. 

I've tried to comment twice on your most recent post.  It won't let me.  I get into this endless run where it asks me to log in, tries to make me comment as anonymous ...  it's horrible.  I tried on two separate days.  I tried logging in first.  I tried just posting as anonymous.  Finally I gave up :)

Here's what I wanted to say:

I have a baby gift for you.  I need your mailing address.  Please email it to me at mommiev1 at gmail.

And you might want to consider listing your email on your "about you" page. :)

Hang in there on the bedrest.  Been there, done that.  When you hold a precious little baby in your arms at the end of it, it's totally worth it.  Also, this  is the last time you will sleep in 6 months, take advantage.

Love ya,


MommieV said...

P.S. I also have a TON of girl clothes in the basement. Is there anything you still need or want?

Anonymous said...

First, thank you for this post :) And second, it just cracks me up! So sorry you've had all that trouble-- it's not right. If it makes you feel better, I think my blog hates ME. It has a mind of its own and sometimes doesn't post to Reader. Thinking about making the switch to word press.

Going to send you an email now...