Monday, September 13, 2010

My Little Firefighter

On Labor Day we went to a neighborhood church festival.

We had hot dogs for lunch.

And we got to see a fire truck.

The Wee One had been cruising around in her stroller, but when she saw the fire truck, she wanted out.  Then when she saw the other kids climbing inside, she wanted up!

Close to nap time?  Why do you ask?

Finally, one with a smile!

She got to tour all around the fire truck, and meet the big Fire Dog.

Listening to the firefighter talk about the fire truck.

She was a little leery of this big guy, but she eventually warmed up.
I also got the chance to do a Child Identification Kit for her.  Of course every mother hopes they will never come in handy, but somehow I just feel better knowing that I have her fingerprints.  (In something other than tempera paint!)

(And yes, she was asleep before we got out of the parking lot.)

1 comment:

Laraf123 said...

That looks like so much fun! She is getting to look like a big toddler now with her beautiful brown hair and her interest/understanding of the world around her!

Does that dog ride on the truck to every fire? LOL!